About Us

Why Choose 777smartsolar?

Hiring a professional solar panel cleaning company is essential for managing and ensuring a system’s longevity. With residential and commercial buildings having larger solar panel installations, there are often a lot of roofs that need to be cleaned.

777smartsolar ensures your panels will be cleaned using the most sustainable methods, which helps to extend their lifespan and you save money!

Our company is the best as compared to other solar panel cleaning companies in the area, because of the following reasons:

Ready to start cleaning your solar panels with 777smartsolar?

Give us a call today!

Not Your Average Cleaners

We understand the importance of highly efficient solar panels and the ability for them to be working at their maximum capabilities. What’s the point of having Solar Panels if they can’t do what they were designed to do? That’s why we use spot free Deionized water treatment to leave the panels clean, eliminating mineral spots or hard water stains on your panels.

Green Cleaning

In an effort to limit damage to the environment, we have all of our technicians certified by the Cleaning Management Institute (CMI) in the latest methods and products of green cleaning available. Our Deionized water treatment using zero chemicals leaving no damage to the environment

Going Above and Beyond

Our team of professionals work to identify all possible weak points within the solar panel systems. In some cases this means protecting the wiring and panels from birds and rodents. We promise to provide a free evaluation, including pictures of possible problem areas in order to come up with an affordable solution to protect your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

At least twice a year and up to 4 times depending on the amount of dust and pollen where you live. If you live in an area of high construction then you should consider more than twice but our experts can advise you during our initial evaluation.

Have you ever noticed how dirty your car is after it rains? The rain will wash off some of the dirt but there will be a thick layer of dirt and pollen that still remains. Fortunately, our spot free deionized water treatment will wash all of that away and leave the panels clean and protected for months.

Our brushes have soft bristles and will not do damage to the panels. Have a brush versus just using a hose will help to maximize the efficiency of the panels.

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